Grand Kremlin Palace Tour Moscow 2023. +7.9.ANGEL.TOUR
Enjoy the Grand Kremlin Palace Tour in the Moscow Kremlin. The most grand palace! It's a rare chance to see the beauty of the Grand Kremlin Palace. Feel the wealth and splendor of the rooms where Russian tsars lived. And emperors - in the Grand Kremlin Palace Tour. Just see the pics of The Grand Kremlin Palace Tour below. The vid is coming.
Prokofiev. Dance of the Knights. Romeo & Juliet. 0.15. Dance of the Lights. 3.05. The Doors. 4.04. Name of Thrones.
Ours was not when we had our first Grand Kremlin Palace Tour. We had it again. You won't. Make sure to ready your cam or smart-phone for the Grand Kremlin Palace Tour.

The Grand Kremlin Palace is a gem to the crown on the hill of the Kremlin. For decades, only those few had the rare right to admire its interiors. And the Grand Kremlin Palace Tour is not a museum tour. Why? The Grand Kremlin Palace was the Moscow residence of Russian royals when the capital was in St. Pete. Then the Supreme Soviet of the USSR took place in the Grand Kremlin Palace. Most vital decisions in the USSR were made in the Grand Kremlin Palace. Now the Grand Kremlin Palace is the ceremonial residence of President. In recent years it has been open for Grand Kremlin Palace Tours. The Grand Kremlin Palace includes:
- Terem Palace.
- Faceted Chamber.
- Czarina's Chamber.
and 7 halls of:
- St. George.
- St. Vladimir.
- and others. In 1990-s. the halls of St. Andrew and St. Alexander in the Grand Kremlin Palace were made anew. Parts of the Grand Kremlin Palace are closed for Grand Palace Tours, e.g. the churches of the Grand Kremlin Palace used by royal family members.
Book Grand Kremlin Palace Tours for Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri. (excp. for RU holidays). It takes months to set Grand Kremlin Palace Tours, thus pls. ask re the Grand Kremlin Tour in advance. To do so, pls. hit the button 'Ask re Grand Kremlin Tour' above or phone. viber. WA. TG. +79.26435.8687 / +79.ANGEL.TOUR to ask Grand Kremlin Palace Tour.